Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama picks his running mate...

...And it's Senator Joseph Biden of Delaware.

Good pick.

Picking a Washington Senator with more than thirty years in the Senate run counter to Obama's message of change but Biden has the presence of not being a Washington insider because he freely speaks his mind and has a strong independent mindset.

Biden with his impeccable foreign affairs credentials does help Obama in that "perceived" weakness. Furthermore Biden isn't going to back down from the republican attack machine. In essence Obama can stay on message while Biden does some of the dirty work.

After all it is politics.


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear your first impression of the pick is a good one. I admit it didn't excite me, though I am not sure who would have (perhaps only The Boss). Your arguments make sense, and I think he'll make more of an impression than Bayh. I'm hoping that's a good thing.

akemijoy said...

Thanks for "breaking it down" on Biden. I have to admit I don't know a lot about him, but I'm trying to learn more.

Anonymous said...

I agree, good pick... for those of us pulling for McCain. The Obama campaign has obviouly settled and as a McCain supporter I couldn't be happier. Other than reading well from a teleprompter, someone please tell me why anyone would want to support Obama. Taxes... No. Foriegn policy... No. Capitalism... No. Right to life... No. The list goes on.

Maddog said... need to get it together.

Anonymous said...

The more I think about it the ridiculus Obama's pick for VP. I agree... A major reason for his voice was to get Biden's foreign policy "experience" on the ticket. So let' compare their positions on the biggest foreign policy issue of the day, the Iraq war. Obama proudly "voted" against the war (even though he wasn't a senator at the time so therefore gets no vote)... Biden voted for it. Obama voted against continuing to fund the troops... Biden voted for it. Heck, so far Biden sounds more aligned with McCain. Obama continues to maintain when it comes to foreign policy he has better judgment, but his voice for VP goes against that judgement. And finally regarding the successful surge... both Obama and Biden were against the surge (and still can't admit it's been a success), while McCain was for it. So when it comes to foreign policy, a supposed reason for this alliance, Obama and Biden are at total odds with one another. What gives? Bad choice.

Maddog said...

Here's the thing...Obama has said that he wanted a vice president who would challenge him...that might have different views than he does. What's wrong with that? I rather have several opinions on a subject (in an adminstration) than having tunnel vision, which is what the Bush Adminstration is known for.

I do see that having Biden does in some way underscore Obama's "perceived" weakness on foreign policy but to me it just shows that Obama is brining in a man who could be president. Really...that's what you want in a Vice President...someone who could handle the job of being the president.

Anonymous said...

That "perceived" weakness is real. And given the state of the world today (Islamic fundamentalism, Iran, North Korea, Russia), now's not the time for a weak president.

And the American people have made it abundantly clear they do not want a President Biden. They rejectetd him 20 years ago and again this year. Now Obama wants to put him one heart beat away.