Sunday, September 6, 2009

News Flash. . .The Beatles Rule.

With the onset of Beatles Rock Band hitting stores in a few days, a varying degree of Beatlemania has once again moved to the forefront.

--Rolling Stone Magazine has interesting take on why The Beatles really broke up.

--And the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly also has The Beatles on the cover and also attempts to rank the 50 Best Beatles tunes of all-time.

So since I love The Beatles (and lists for that matter) that's where this post is going.

It's interesting and telling that EW's list goes all the way to 50 in coming up with the best Beatles songs. That speaks to the quantity and quality of their music. Think about other classic rock bands and their respected catalogs in coming up with a list of their 50 greatest songs. After about 20-25 songs the list becomes interchangeable and negligible. But not with The Beatles.

Just look at the songs that didn't even make their cut. . .Two of Us, The Fool on the Hill, Mother Nature's Son, Fixing a Hole, No Reply, Any Time at All, Things We Said Today, I've Just Seen a Face, Don't Let Me Down, Yes It Is, The Inner Light, Here There and Everywhere, And Your Bird Can Sing, For No One, I'm Looking Through You, It's All Too Much. . .it just goes on and on.

I'm not going to be overly critical of the list because it's tough. I've attempted to come up with my favorite 10. . .20. . .50. . .Beatles songs and it's no easy task. And when it comes to ranking them. . .it becomes even more difficult. I do completely empathize with the writers of the EW article. It's almost too much of an endeavor. It really just makes your brain hurt.

That's why The Beatles are second to none.

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