Saturday, April 19, 2008

Marissa Miller at Wrigley Field. . . (FACE!).

In your face Marty Brennaman. Yet another reason why the Cubs are infinitely cooler than the Reds.

Here's some follow up to Marty's comments that he made on Wednesday Night during the Cubs-Reds game.

Here's my take...probably not going to surprise anybody.

In recent years I've come to like Marty but it's evident that the older he gets the more cranky and unbearable he gets.

1. There is absolutely no correlation between fandom and winning and losing on the baseball field. If that was the case the Florida Marlins would not have two World Series titles.

2. Marty has no right to criticize Cubs fans without looking in the mirror. Reds fans are some of the most fairweather fans in sports. Their attendance is terrible (even though they have a nice ballpark). And when the Cubs come to town they outnumber Reds fans...that is simply ridiculous...that just shouldn't happen at a home park. Because of that Marty is nothing but jealous...because he knows that Cubs fans are far more passionate than Reds fans.

Yes it is inexcusable throwing crap on the field...and what happened on Wednesday night was stupid. Can Cubs fans be annoying...certainly...but so can every other team's fans. I rather have annoying fans than fairfeather fans (or no fans at all).


Kernsie said...

Tell 'em Steve-Dave!

StuckeySpalt said...

There was a time when Marty was the best thing about the Reds. Now it's clear that he's just as worthless as the rest of that franchise. Is it better to have no fans at the game than some fans that are a little obnoxious. The Reds suck, and Marty is adding to the problem with comments like that, not helping.