Monday, December 22, 2008

Top Five Christmas Songs

Here's my top five Christmas tunes...

5. "We Three Kings of Oriental" by The Beach Boys

This is one of my favorite Christmas hymns and I really like The Beach Boys version as it almost has an air of mysticism to it. can one beat the angelic harmonies of The Beach Boys.

4. "O Come All Ye Faithful" by Elvis Presley

This is my favorite religious Christmas song and Elvis's version has a majestic quality that fits the song.

3. "Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)" by U2

I know U2 is just covering this song...but they completely own it.

2. "Happy X-mas (War is Over)" by John Lennon

Not many contemporary artists have written memorable original Christmas songs...but John Lennon did. And it's truly a classic.

1. "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" by Bruce Springsteen

Santa Claus is Coming to Town isn't my favorite Christmas song but Springsteen's rendition of it is. The Boss proves that even Christmas carols can rock.


Kevin S. said...

How about the Ramones' "Merry Christmas Baby (I Don't Want to Fight)"?

Kevin S. said...

What about The Kinks' "Father Christmas"?