Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thursday Afternoon Thoughts

Needless to say, I'm pretty frustrated with the election results from Tuesday. Leave it to Ohio to screw things up again. Seriously...I'm thinking they need to be kicked out of the union...I'm over Ohio....big dorks.

I really believe now that Indiana is going to have a say in this process...which is... on one hand pretty cool. I don't buy CNN's (John King) early assumption that Clinton will win Indiana. I just don't see that...I might have to start knocking on doors and what not.

But while it would be nice to see Indiana play a part the longer this thing drags out, the bigger the air of uncertainty that is going to happen at the convention. There is a very good chance that neither candidate will have enough delegates to secure the nomination before the convention. This is where the Super Delegates are going to potentially make or break the nomination. At this point there are around 350 Super Delegates that are still up for grab. It really looks like a big debacle. Clinton and Obama are going to continue to spend...attack...and spend some more....with no end in sight.

Although it could be argued that whoever comes out of this fight is going to be more than ready for the general election fight. There is some truth to that.

It is just a pretty dicey situation.

From Obama's viewpoint...he is in a catch-22 situation. Clinton went (slightly) negative leading up to the Ohio and Texas contests and there's no doubt that it worked. That's what nobody wants to admit...that negative campaigning does work. Obama's position is that he wants to be above that kind of politics and for the most part he has been...and that has been a big reason for his support. So if he decides to go more negative he risks alienating those that believe that he is something different than a typical Washington politician. It is going to be difficult to turn up the heat on Clinton without crossing the line. He's in a tough position.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You got me fired up. I just donated money to his campaign and gave them my info for volunteering. Now, I just have to register to vote by April 7th!

If the superdelagates become a debacle, the democratic party is done.