Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Public Service Announcement

Maybe this will sway some of the undecided voters out there...but probably not.

See more Hayden Panettiere videos at Funny or Die


Anonymous said...

I got your email about Obama and Acorn. You gotta do better than if you expect and reasonble human being to listen. Come on Mr. "Get Your Facts Straight", I could give you info off of too. Would you believe that? Of course not, it is terribly bias. Channel 5 news, local news is the closest thing to just reporting news anymore and not creating news, said that Barack Obama denied being associated with Acorn in Chicago. That is a lie. His campaign also said that the money they gave Acorn was just for canvasing (wink, wink). I told you he gave them money. Anyone patronizing an organization with such a joke of a record with voting fraud just proves his is just as dirty a politician as a McCain, a Clinton, or even a Bush. He is not the second comming of Jesus, stop being such a sheep. Your are a smart man Maddux, one of the most intelligent I know. Start using that sharp brain God gave you, log off and think for yourself.
Love ya man,

Maddog said...

What is your goal in all this...I'm voting for Obama get over it.

If you really believe that there are deep ties with ACORN and the Obama campaign than you are drunk. Yes their paths have crossed the the campaign gave money to a consulting firm with ties to ACORN but if you for one minute think that Obama and his campaign are masterminding efforts for voter fraud than you are sadly mistaken.

Just because you have no faith in our elected officials and seem to have the need to throw all politicians under the same bus doesn't mean that everybody shares your pessimistic views.

Obama is not going to save the world but what's wrong with having a little bit of hope with a politician. There's nothing wrong with being proud of our president and the government.

I feel bad that you have apparently thrown hope out the window.