Friday, October 17, 2008

Scary Friends

Here's a humorous political video for the weekend.

I find this relevant because it shows the absurdity of a lot of the political attacks that are coming from both sides (but mainly from the McCain side...since they did decide to go negative).

See more funny videos at Funny or Die


Indy ExPat said...

"I think if you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody." - Obama

What?!!! Does this sound fair to you? Of course not. This illustrates just one of the foundational beliefs of Obama that we've been trying to tell you about that make him unsuitable to be president. A vote for Obama is a vote for socialism and a vote against the American dream.

Maddog said...

Don't just cherry-pick his statement out of context.

Obama gave a nuanced five minute answer to Joe the Plumber's question and when you look at the entire video you can clearly see...that what he is stating (among other things) is that he for spreading the wealth around with regard to the fairness of tax cuts. Obama wants to improve the economy for everybody (“If The Economy’s Good For Folks From The Bottom Up, It’s Gonna Be Good For Everybody.”)

Indy ExPat said...

Not sure I understand what you're trying to say. But I do think you agree with me that Obama wants to "spread the wealth around". Taking from the rich to give to the middle class is not fair. If the middle class gets a tax cut, bill gates should get that same tax cut. That's fair. Joe the plumber is fighting for you. He wants to someday own the business he works for. You may someday own the auction barn. When that day comes obama's policies will punish joe and you. When that day comes you'll wonder what the he'll you were thinking.

Maddog said...

--Joe the Plumber is not me. One I have a license for my profession and I pay my taxes.

--The Auction Barn and Joe the Plumber's attempted purchase of a plumbing business (which he has no intention of really doing) would fall into the 98 % of small businesses that would be unaffected by Obama's rate hike. To be fair...the other 2% (that would be effected) would be hit on part of their earnings not all of it.

--Your assertion on the tax cut idea is inaccurate to start with. Under Bush's tax cuts (and thus McCain's) somebody like Bill Gates receives a larger percent of total taxes cut than a middle class individual or family.

Even McCain's current tax plan cuts taxes for those making over 2.3 million by a 4.4 % margin while the tax cut rate for middle to lower class families is a less than 1% decrease.

I'm all for fairness too but let's call a spade a spade...repbulican tax plans favor the wealthy...simply as that.

And I don't see anything wrong with that pendulum swinging the other way for once.