Thursday, September 11, 2008

Maybe I should just make this a political blog...

There's been an interesting debate (in the comment section) raging with my last post. Ultimately that's cool...I like the intelligent debate.

Here's some thoughts running through my mind...

--The Democrats have only been in control of congress since 2006 and the deficit was well on it's way in being out-of-control well before that. I know that congress controls the money...but the president has a large pull when it comes to spending that money.

--When it comes to thinking of our country as being a strong conservative country. I still don't buy it. (And I'm not going to get into throwing out various websites and polls--because both sides can do that). Here's what I'm thinking...One, labeling one a conservative or liberal is not the best way to gauge that mainly because of the negative connotation that the word liberal has in this day of age. Furthermore applying an either/or label is too constrictive--especially when it comes to making a grandiose statement about people's political views.

From what I know and read over the that when one starts to break it down issue by issue than one finds out that the American public is much less conservative than expected. I'm not saying that they are necessarily liberal but they do drift to the middle and to the middle-left...especially on social issues. Even with a lot of my conservative friends and family members I find that they are much more liberal on social issues than by-definition republicans. If I were to make a consensus statement I would say that many of my peers are conservative financially and are socially liberal.

--My biggest issue with some conservatives and republicans is their arrogance and their lack of them seeing that they have this arrogance ( And I do realize that this exists on the other side...I just don't think it's as bad on the left). When one has an opinion on an issue than that doesn't make it right or the position right and it doesn't make the other opinion wrong or that person wrong. It just means that one has a difference of opinion. But in republican world for a lot of conservatives, it's a black and white issue....there's no grays...and no compromises. I just find that incredibly rigid. I'm not saying that one cannot have rock solid principles...but our political system only works when there's compromise and an openness to all views. Our entire political system (and our constitution) is based on compromise.

It just seems to me (and to much of the American public) in the last eight years that this idea of listening to the other side is lost on our current administration and that frustrates me. I honestly believe that Obama will reach across the aisle to gain consensus on issues and get things accomplished that will better the American people.

That's my hope.


Indy ExPat said...

The poll I referred to in a previous comment is created and administered by both parties. It's unique in this way and why i think it may be worth your consideration.

I'm on my way to Milan, Italy for this weekend's F1 race at Monza, so I'm afraid you'll have to debate the issues without me (though without me I'm afraid there won't be much debate). Take care everyone.

Maddog said...

I'm glad you are getting out...I was getting concerned that you were spending to much time online.

Go pick up some Italian ladies.

akemijoy said...

The discussion on your blog just makes me think about how the two-party system is incredibly limiting. Like you say, the only options to any one issue aren't just black or white, yes or no... there are shades of gray. I think the problem with our country's divisive politics is that with only two parties, it naturally creates an either-or situation on almost every issue. Each side accuses the other of subscribing to its most polar position. The words "conservative," "liberal," "Republican," and "Democrat" take on huge meanings depending on who you are talking to.

Ultimately, I think this forced polarization causes modern politics to devolve into the mess we have right now. The national debate has become one of personal attacks and "I'm better," "no, I'm better," rather than a real contemplative look at the issues. It really feels so childish.

Also, I don't know how great an idea it is to bring entertainment into the political forum. The lines between journalism and parody are getting more and more blurred. Sure it is fun and I really enjoy it, but sometimes I think that maybe it just detracts from the fact that we are deciding an important issue - who will be the best representative of our nation for the next four years? I think we all get caught up and swayed by emotion... which is fine, but at the end of the day, I think there is still so little said about what is actually going on in Washington, D.C.

Laws and bills constantly are passed without the public's full knowledge of their meaning and reach. It is such a complicated system - even when it isn't an election year. How many earmarks are added to each piece of legislation - by both Republicans and Democrats - without the people's knowledge. I think more people need to care about what's going on and not just leave it up to the small number of people who represent our interests - in all branches of our government.

Okay, I'm climbing down of my soapbox, now. Sorry if it was a little rambling. I know I don't know a lot... and that's what's so frustrating. I wasn't lecturing, just venting and asking questions that are swirling in my head as I'm watching the current political situation.

Thanks for the forum, maddog!