Monday, September 22, 2008

Southeastern Indiana is now in play

Boy what a weekend.

The craziness really started on Thursday night at the auction. Nothing dramatic happened...just that we had an awesome auction. I didn't get home until 11:00. It was an estate I kind of thought it would be a good sale. Stuff sold good. We had a Hellmich milk bottle (from Greensburg) and it brought over 600 dollars. Pretty crazy but I'm not complaining.

After work on Friday, my dad and my cousin Larry went down to South Dearborn to watch the Greensburg-South Dearborn varsity football game. The reason for out of my other cousins, Eric, is the head football coach of South Dearborn. Unfortunately for him, Greensburg won big, 49-21.

I'm skipping Saturday for a moment.

On Sunday, I went to church...watched a movie, Righteous Kill (more on that tomorrow) and then ventured with Jenny to Andy and Elizabeth's to watch the Colts. I don't really have too much to say about the game other than the Colts better get it together.

OK...back to Saturday and the real the purpose for this post. A little over a week ago Andy and I (with help from other people as well) hashed out this plan to have an Obama booth at the Greensburg Fall Festival. The main goal was to have a voter registration booth that was Obama-centric.

Leading up to Saturday--while I was busy getting everything ready--I started to become slightly apprehensive about doing it. I just wasn't sure what the response would be. I wasn't expecting something crazy but everybody knows that Greensburg is a very conservative county.

Needless to was a rousing success. We registered close to 40 voters. We had a field agent from the campaign show up and she was a big help as she not only brought signs (and stuff like that) but also brought a high level of enthusiasm and a positive attitude that trickled down to the rest of us working the booth. We sold all of our yard signs. We even sent out two canvassing teams focused on undecided voters in the Greensburg area. The response from the booth and those canvassing teams were overwhelmingly positive. My fears were (at least for that day) were put on the back burner. I'm not saying that Greensburg is going to go for Obama (I'm not naive)...but we made some in roads and maybe more importantly showed that people who support Obama (or really any Democratic candidate) do not have to be ashamed or reluctant showing that support.

I just want to thank everybody--Andy (and his mom and sister), Elizabeth, Sam, Narwold, Theresa O'Mara (head of the Dec. Co. Democrats), and our field agent, Jennifer Miller--who made the event such a success. I sit here and type this..I realize that there is more work to do.

Also...during all that I also managed to take (along with the rest of my family) my mom out to eat for her birthday.

So Happy Birthday again, Mom.

1 comment:

Slammin' Sam said...

that was a great weekend! people out here in portland were very happy when i told them about the response we received in greensburg.

thanks for getting that all together!