Monday, February 11, 2008

Lunch Break

I haven't had change to blog much...especially over the weekend. Starting last week I (finally) started taking auctioneer classes. I have to take 80 hours from a licensed instructor and then pass the test in Indianapolis that will be in March. Needless to say my weekends have been shot. The classes are 8 hours long (on Saturday and Sundagy) and they are in North Vernon. Consequently I haven't had a lot of free time. But it has been a valuable learning experience...and I do enjoy it.

A few things that I have been on my mind...

It was a
good weekend for Obama. He swept the weekend primaries and caucuses and is in good shape to come out on top with regard to the "Potomac Primary" on Tuesday. I encourage everyone to visit Obama's website and sign up to the my.barackobama network. With this network you will be able to get into contact with other citizens in your area. I started one for Greensburg/Decatur County residents.

I've also been working on dissecting the Roger Clemens report that according to his side...shows statistical data that proves Clemens didn't use steroids...simply because his numbers are comparable to his peers and other past players. Needless to say...I don't really buy it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering when/ if you would start taking classes to become an auctioneer.
Where is your post on the Maddux article about him possibly retiring after this year??? I read it on both of Val's blogs.