Sunday, January 27, 2008

Do It South Carolina!

Good job...South Carolinians. Barack Obama scored a dominating win in the Democratic Primary on Saturday. Hopefully this momentum will lead to more wins come Super Tuesday (on Feb. 5).

I think this quote by Obama (in last night's victory speech) best sums up why I fiercely support his candidacy..."The choice in this election is not about regions or religions or genders. It's not about rich versus poor, young versus old and it's not about black versus white. It's about the past versus the future."

That last line is the key...the past versus the future. This country needs a new voice...a new direction...and new leadership. Obama is that man.

Further bolstering Obama's momentum is Caroline Kennedy's endorsement of him that appeared in today New York Times.


Anonymous said...

What's up, long time no speak. Have to tell you, I have become a faithful reader of your blog. Got a question for you...what is it in Obama's campaign, specifically, that makes you so certain he is the right person for the job. I see both positives ("a new voice," someone who is not a career politician and may genuinely have the people's best interest at heart) and negatives (anyone introducing a nationalized health care plan scares the hell out of me.)
Just curious.

Maddog said...

Good to hear from you...hope all is well with your family.

I'm looking at this election by not getting bogged down in the issues. I don't know if that's the smart way to go about..but that's how I'm approaching it.

I like and support Obama...and maybe this is naive on my part...but I genuinely believe that he can (on some level) rise above the partisanship in Washington...and be a uniter and get something accomplished in Washington.