Saturday, January 26, 2008

R.I.P. Heath Ledger

A couple of things about Heath Ledger's untimely death.

1. I know that Ledger's death shouldn't affect me more than say any other 28 year old dying unexpectedly but the reality is that it did. Some of that has to do with my fondness for films but most of it had to with Ledger playing the Joker in the forthcoming Batman movie. Since I'm all about everything Batman...Ledger playing the Joker (and from the looks of it...doing a damn good job) was a big deal in Ryan's world.

2. The news coverage of this event...especially on Tuesday...was just filled with endless speculation that ultimately just made me shut the TV off. The media seemed certain to cast Ledger's death as not a surprise...that somehow Ledger fit into their preconceived notion of an out of control Hollywood star. Now...that seems to be the furthest thing from the truth. Furthermore there was this notion that was put out there that somehow playing the Joker led to Ledger's demise. That idea really made me sick. Fortunately over the past couple of days, the coverage has matured.

3. I wouldn't say that Ledger was one of my favorite actors but he was a darn good actor. When I heard that he was playing the Joker...I wasn't worried in the least. I haven't seen every film in his catalog but he showed a lot of range. He had a star quality that worked in big budget works--The Patriot and A Knight's Tale...but he also had the acting chops to hold his own in smaller films as well--Monster's Ball and Candy. When those notions came together...Ledger could rise to the occasion. His performance in Brokeback Mountain was the pinnacle of his career. I know the movie is easily dismissed by some people...but he was simply outstanding in the movie. If it wasn't for Phillip Seymour Hoffman...he probably would have won the Oscar. (...not that there's anything wrong with Hoffman winning...). Ultimately in terms of being a quality actor, Ledger was the real deal.

4. I'm not overlooking Ledger's death...but there's not question that what happens with The Dark Knight is of (some) concern to me. Batman-on-film reported that Ledger was completely finished with the movie--in terms of filming in post-production work. With Ledger's Joker being the center of the current marketing campaign, there's no doubt that Warner Bros. is at a crossroads in how to proceed with the marketing. And there's no question now...that the movie is going to take on a whole new being Ledger's last work.

But all that will be dealt with in time.

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