Monday, July 9, 2007

The Dark Knight

I know this picture has been around for a few weeks but I figured it was time for a Batman related post.

This is the official Warner Bros. released picture of the Caped Crusader from the new film The Dark Knight. The suit looks similar to the one used in Batman Begins but it looks a little more streamlined, which is cool because it more resembles the comic book look. From a technical aspect it also looks like Bale will actually be able to turn his head back in forth.

Needless to say I'm beyond excited for this movie. I can say quite confidently that Batman Begins is my favorite movie of all time and I have the utmost faith in Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale that they will again deliver a solid movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does bat-man wear his undies on the outside of his outfit?