Thursday, July 12, 2007

The Order of the Phoenix

Last night Jenny and I braved the crowds and watched the latest installment of the Harry Potter series...The Order of the Phoenix. My wife is a big Harry Potter fan and I must admit that some of her passion has slightly rubbed off on me. I never thought that I would wait in line for a Harry Potter film. Oh one would guess the Wolf Theatre was packed. The show didn't start until 7:40 yet we arrived at the theater at 7:00, which was a good idea because a large line had already started forming. I would guess that the show was sold out.

I must admit that the atmosphere of the crowd was quite energetic. A few die-hard fans were even dressed up. There was an applause both when the movie started and when the show was over. The crowd was especially teen heavy, which was slightly annoying as the person next to Jenny kept saying overly stupid things and the LJ next to me kept whispering to her friends (which seemed like everyone in the theater other than Jenny and I). wasn't too bad. I didn't threaten to slam my fist down anyone's face.

As for the movie...I won't say much yet (as I haven't written the review)...but will say that I thought it was the best film so far of the series.


Slammin' Sam said...

we're going to see it tomorrow. you guys got your book ordered already? are there any parties for the book release around decatur county?

Anonymous said...

Did Jenny preorder the last Harry Potter book or are the two of you going to camp out dressed up like Harry to get the book at midnight? I have yet to see any of the movies or read any of the books. I don't think many people can say that especially librarians. I think I will eventually read the books, I'm just not in a hurry to do it.

Maddog said...

Jenny has preordered the book, Emma. I haven't read any of the books either but the movies are getting better and better.

Jenny really enjoys both the books and films.