Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Michael Moore Rips Wolf Blitzer/CNN

Here's a snippet of Michael Moore on CNN the other day. He lays into them...and I can't really blame him. Granted Moore is polarizing and I haven't seen his film, Sicko, yet... but when he does have something to say I do think it is worth listening too.

I empathize with his distaste of CNN...maybe not for the same reasons...but CNN has been in steep decline over the past several months. In the evenings CNN is more Access Hollywood/EXTRA than hard news. It is ridiculous. Even Anderson Cooper, who I still do respect, is falling prey to covering crap like Paris Hilton's jail time or Alec Baldwin's cell phone rant. It seems every week that CNN finds a new human-interest drama story and covers it so incessantly that it becomes completely exhausting. And most of the time the story ends up contributing nothing positive to the public discourse of the given topic.

I do give props to Moore for letting CNN have it. I hate to see what he thinks of Fox news.

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