Saturday, July 28, 2007

Jenny and I watched a pretty kick ass movie last night...Equilibrium (2002). The movie is set in the early 21st century just shortly after WWIII. In this specific part of the world (maybe London?) a totalitarian state has started where feelings are suppressed by a drug. Christian Bale stars as a cleric...a soldier of this specific organization that sole purpose is to root out people not conforming to the state.

I wouldn't say that it is an overly original movie in terms of its ideas...pretty standard to most other dystopian themed films. Freedom is good...choice is good...independence is good...conforming to the state's will not so good. Overall the narrative is nothing to get excited about but it never really gets out of hand either.

But this film has some awesome action/fighting scenes. This movie is really Christian Bale being a bad ass. It has stylized action...similar to the Matrix (no denying that) but as opposed to the Matrix, the scenes are more compact and more intense.

I was kind of surprised that I had not heard of this film prior to reading a short blurb about Bale on an article. From what I can that the film was dumped in December of 2002 and since being out on video/DVD has garnered a cult following. I'm guessing that its similarities to the Matrix made it difficult to market.

I recommend the film (Jenny was not as into as I was but the fact that Bale was in the movie did help carry it for her). Maybe its more of a movie for guys who really like movies...nonetheless it is a pretty kick ass cool film.

And Netflix does have it.


Slammin' Sam said...

dude, i'm going to go ahead and call your mancrush on christian bale. seriously. it's getting a little out of hand.

but, that said, i'm going to check out this equilibrium movie. sounds interesting. thanks for the tip.

Kernsie said...

It is now in my Q.