Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Oops Bush does it again...

Well it was only a matter of time before politics made its way to my blog.

For those not aware, yesterday, President Bush consummated the sentence of former chief of staff to Vice President Cheany, Scooter Libby. He is not going to serve any prison time (30 months) but still has to pay a $250,000 fine and have two years of probation.

On eve of American's birthday this bit of news just makes me feel fantastic to be an American. Sarcasm aside, this is nothing but political croynism. This administration continues to do as they please without any thought of being held accountable. Bush in his statement argued that the sentence was "excessive" but from what I've been seeing and reading that is far from the truth when taking into account the federal guidelines for Libby's charges of obstruction of justice and lying under oath. Jeffery Tubin, CNN's legal expert was on Anderson Cooper 360 last night and was shocked that Bush's reason for the intervention was because he thought the sentence was excessive. The Bush people are trying to spin this that Libby is still being held accountable for his actions and that the justice system was not railroaded. But I'm not buying it and the American people are not buying it. I have a hard time believing that A) that fine will ever be paid or B) if it is paid...its paid by Libby . There is a reason that this looks bad...that's because it is unjust. Justice was not served.

A quick check of morning shows this morning basically contributed nothing to the discussion as pundits were taking party lines. Maybe I'm doing the same thing...I hope not though.

The bottom line is that the American people are tired of the hard-headed attitude of this administration. It blows my mind how obtuse the executive branch of my government is acting.


Anonymous said...

dude, bush "commuted", not consummated. though, i'd love to read news stories about bush consummating libby's jail time.


Maddog said...

Thanks stat boy...I was worried my political rants would have some minor mistakes because I'm normally so worked up while writing them.

Bop said...

I totally didn't even catch that when I read through it earlier. Do you think that would have caused as big of an uproar as Clinton's little incident?